Formula FP uses a special blend of archaea and other proprietary microbe strains to recycle and renew fish pond waste.
To use Formula FP, it MUST come into direct contact with the waste material. Formula FP is activated by water and designed to use immediately. Once Formula FP is activated by water, the microbes will quickly degrade and recycle any waste accumulated on the bottom of a fish harvesting pond.
Formula FP contains 100 Billion cells per gram concentration of beneficial soil and water microbes that are dried into a powder. Our microbes are made from natural organic ingredients and provide superior results. No GMOs or animal products are used in the manufacturing of Formula FP.
Formula FP has a long and stable shelf-life under recommended storage conditions.
What it Does
Formula FP naturally recycles, degrades, and converts pollutants into beneficial products. These microbes recycle, heal, and renew water environments by converting pollutants into nontoxic bi-products.
Safety for Ponds
Formula FP detoxifies ALL types of fish farm ponds without harm to the fish.
Other Uses
Formula FP can be used in sensitive wetlands, barrier islands, on and near wildlife, marine life, and beaches safely without negative impact
on humans, wildlife, and/or vegetation.
Note: Formula FP is not a preventative. It must be applied to existing waste material.
Mix separately 4 Kg of Formula FP with enough pond water to deliver the Formula FP mixture over the entire bottom of an equivalent one-hectare size pond. Formula FP will treat a one-hectare size pond having a waste level thickness equal to 100 mm or more depending on the rate
of waste increase. The rapid waste increase may require additional Formula FP as needed. The blend can be applied using a pump and a hose. Low-pressure flow is best so as not to agitate the waste material too much.
The entire pond bottom must be treated. As waste increases, this product will continue working. The total amount to use relies on continued farm oversight. If large volumes of waste or other contaminants occur, treat with the additional product but in small 150 gram increments per week until treatment takes effect.