Organic Green Guard

This product is intended to supplement a complete fertilizer program and will not provide all of the nutrients normally required by crops.

Biological Insecticide, photosynthesis enhancement – 2 in 1

Organic Green

Organic Green Guard (OGG) is a proven insecticide derived from a soil bacterium that selectively targets destructive caterpillars and worms on more than 200 crops. Organic Green Guard is an excellent choice for worm control because it delivers effective and economical control of worm pests. And, it has no harvest residual or MRL (Maximum Residue Level) because it is exempt from toleernaces. Organic Green Gurad (OGG) is a great rotational or tank mix partner to reduce the potential of worms to develop resistance to other modes of action. An organic insecticide biological, chemical-free product, OMRI-pending, eco-friendly insect (larvae)-controlled-substance that also promotes plant growth and enhances plant photosynthesis.

It is a proactive and defensive approach highly effective in

  • Getting rid of harmful worms/larvae.
  • Enhance photosynthesis, promoting healthier plant crops.
  • Stimulating plant growth and helping increase yield and quality.
  • Enhance Photosynthesis, Stimulating plant growth.
  • No Toxic chemicals, safe and environment-friendly.

For fungicides, bugs, and flies, please refer to our Advance Organic Protector.

This OGG Product Controls These Pests:

Achema Sphinx Moth

Filbert Leafroller


Alfalfa Caterpillar

Fruit Tree Leafroller

Raisin Moth

Almond Moth

Fruit Tree Tortrix

Red-Banded Leafroller


Grape Berry Moth

Redhumped Caterpillar

Artichoke Plume Moth

Grape Leafroller

Rindworm Complex

Azalea Caterpillar

Grapeleaf Skeletonizer

Saddleback Caterpillar


Green Cloverworm

Saddled Prominent Caterpillar

Banana Moth

Greenstriped Mapleworm

Saltmarsh Caterpillar

Banana Skipper

Gypsy Moth

Sod Webworm

Batrachedra Hodges Moth

Head Moth

Southern Cornstalk Borer

Black-Headed Budworm


Soybean Looper

Box Tree Moth



California Oakworm




Hemlock Looper

Spring Cankerworm

Cherry Fruitworm


Spruce Budworm

China Mark Moth

Imported Cabbageworm

Sugarcane Borer

Citrus Cutworm

Indian Meal Moth

Tent Caterpillar

Codling Moth

Io Moth

Thecla-Thecla Basilides

Corn Earworm

Jackpine Budworm

Tobacco Budworm

Cotton Bollworm

Light Brown Apple Moth

Tobacco Hornworm

Cranberry Fruitworm


Tobacco Moth

Cross-Striped Cabbageworm


Tomato Fruitworm


Mimosa Webworm

Tufted Apple Bud Moth

Diamondback Moth

Navel Orangeworm Larva

Tussock Western Moth

Douglas Fir Tussock Moth

Oblique-Banded Leafroller

Twig Borer

Ello Moth

Oleander Moth

Variegated Cutworm

Elm Spanworm

Omnivorous Leafroller

Variegated Leafroller

Essex Skipper

Omnivorous Looper

Velvet Bean Caterpillar

European Corn Borer

Orange Tortrix

Walnut Caterpillar

European Grapevine Moth



European Skipper

Oriental Fruit Moth

White-Lined Leafroller

Fall Cankerworm

Peach Twig Borer


Fall Webworm

Pine Butterfly


Mix Organic Green Guard powder at a ratio of 1:500 -1000. For example, 1.0 g of powder with 0.5 to 1.0 liter of water is used to prepare a liquid for spraying. Depending on larva/worm/infection, OGG can be used at a rate of 0.25 – 2.0 Kg/ha. Mix thoroughly. Apply at 25 – 40 psi with a hand sprayer or 100 – 200 psi with a power sprayer as a fine spray to all foliage and fruit surfaces to runoff. Repeat application at an interval sufficient to maintain control, usually 3 to 14 days, depending on plant growth rate, moth activity, rainfall after treatment, and other factors. If attempting to control a pest with a single spray, make the treatment when the egg hatches essentially complete, but before crop damage occurs. A spreader-sticker can be added for hard to-wet crops such as cabbage, or to improve weather-wash-off of the spray deposits.

The best time to apply OGG is early evening. Use as a thorough cover spray.


Mix Organic Green Guard (OGG) powder at a ratio of 1:500 -1000. For example, 1.0 g of powder with 0.5 to 1.0 liter of water is used to prepare a liquid for spraying. 

Depending on larva/worm/infection, OGG can be used at a rate of 0.25 – 2.0 Kg/ha. 

Mix thoroughly. Apply at 25 – 40 psi with a hand sprayer or 100 – 200 psi with a power sprayer as a fine spray to all foliage and fruit surfaces to runoff. 

Repeat application at an interval sufficient to maintain control, usually 3 to 14 days, depending on plant growth rate, moth activity, rainfall after treatment, and other factors. 

If attempting to control a pest with a single spray, make the treatment when the egg hatches essentially complete but before crop damage occurs. 

A spreader-sticker can be added for hard-to-wet crops such as cabbage or to improve weather-wash-off of the spray deposits.

The best time to apply OGG is early evening. Use as a thorough cover spray.

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To obtain further inquiries and additional details, reach out to Humate USA today via the provided button for pricing and further information.




AOP is used to treat plants, fruits, and vegetables when they show signs of damage due to marauding insects.
AOP can also be used proactively to prevent such development.

With AOP Power, please mix with water at a ratio (1:5.9) or 0.17Kg to 1 L of water to get a 4.5% azadirachtin concentrated (concentrated)

Foliar spray: Spray AOP on a preventative 7-day schedule or at the first sign of insect presence.

Dilute AOP (4.5% Azadirachtin) at 4 – 16 fluid ounces per 100 gallons ( 0.15 – .5 L per 400 L) of water. Mix thoroughly. Apply at 25 – 40 psi with a hand sprayer or 100 – 200 psi with a power sprayer as a fine spray to all foliage and fruit surfaces to runoff (typically 1 – 2 gallons/1000 per 1,000 sq. ft. or 4 – 8 Liters/100 sq. meters).

Avoid excessive application.
For drench applications, use eight (8) fluid ounces of AOP per 100 gallons ( 0.25 L per 400 L per hectare) of water and apply at 1 quart of diluted solution per square foot (10L/sq meter) of growing media surface. Repeat at 14- 20 day intervals during the growing season.
When pest populations are high, use the higher label rates.

Apply to moderately moist soils using volumes that thoroughly wet the soil but do not cause significant runoff
or drip from pots.

DO NOT USE without diluting.

The best time to apply AOP is early evening and AVOID direct sun. Spray the crops every 5 to 15 days after rainfall to obtain the best result.

When pest populations are high, use the higher label rates.

Apply to moderately moist soils. Use volumes that thoroughly wet the soil but do not cause significant surface runoff or excessive drip from pots.


Cause moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, or clothing.


If in the eye: hold eyelids open and rinse slowly and thoroughly with water for 10-15 minutes. If on the skin, remove contaminated clothing, and rinse the skin for 10-15 minutes.


Available in plastic bottle:

  • Available: 8oz, 1 liter, 1-gallon, and 1000L tote concentrated liquid content of 4.5% azadirachtin.
  • Available: 1 Kg, 10 Kg, 25 kg bag in powder form with 26 % of azadirachtin. 100% solute. Available to OEM / Distributors only (Dilute 0.17 Kg to 1L of water to get 4.5% azadirachtin concentrate solution)

Azadirachtin, Fulvic Acid, Organic Nitrogen, Organic Matter


20 months Liquid, Powder: 36 months. Storage in a dark and cool place MUST avoid high temperatures, sunlight, and humidity.

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